RESIDENTS NIGHT / HYPER REAL EDITION: Opium Hum ☆ Saku ☆ NEW MAGIC MEDIA ☆ SELENoLAr (live) ☆ divinity statue
☆ 23:00 NEW MAGIC MEDIA ☆ 00:15 SAKU ☆ 01:30 SELENOLAR (live) ☆ 02:15 OPIUM HUM ☆ 04:15 DIVINITY STATUE

07 Feb 2025, 23:00 – 08 Feb 2025, 05:30
Praha 7, ostrov Štvanice, Holešovice, 170 00 Praha 7, Czechia
Hyper Real is back for the fourth year of its residency in our holy halls and we're kicking it off with a family gathering — bringing together some of our finest residents, NEW MAGIC MEDIA, Saku and Hyper Real head honcho Opium Hum, and some young local talent we've been itching to show to you. SELENoLAr will present their debut album, Dissymetria (2024), in a never-seen before live show, and estrogun co-founder divinity statue will channel unapologetic, trans-female energy in a gut-wrenching DJ set. Residents Night is back in F2 on Friday, February 7. TICKETS: bit.ly/RESIDENTSnightsHYPERreal ☆☆☆ OPIUM HUM youtu.be/QvquxGYSp0M&t soundcloud.com/opiumhum SAKU soundcloud.com/saku NEW MAGIC MEDIA soundcloud.com/newmagicmedia SELENOLAR (live) soundcloud.com/selenolar DIVINITY STATUE soundcloud.com/divinitystatue000 ☆☆☆ Gfx @krstnklkv Read house rules before visiting. Tickets are available in limited numbers at a discounted presale and at the doors (unless otherwise noted). Činnost klubu Fuchs2 podporuje hlavní město Praha, Ministerstvo kultury, městská část Praha 7 a Evropská unie prostřednictvím programu Národní plán obnovy.